Real Weddings from Your Somerset Glos and Wilts Wedding

See how other local couples celebrated their big day with inspirational weddings and bridal stories from Real Weddings features in Your Somerset Glos and Wilts Wedding.

Real Weddings: Made With Love

Made With Love

Beckie and Michael met while working together at The Sidcot Arms, Winscombe. Michael was head chef and Beckie worked front of house. They both lived in the hotel and Michael would knock on Beckie's door to wake her up for 6am shifts and gave her cuddles in the kitchen to warm her up on cold winter mornings. Soon, they fell in love.


Real Weddings: Once Upon An Autumn Day

Once Upon An Autumn Day

Kate met The Honourable Hilary Wise, or Hils as he's known to her, through mutual friends. "He has a good sense of humour, and genuinely cares for people," she tells us. When he proposed to her at home in 2023, it was a complete surprise. They followed her "yes" with a celebratory trip to London where lots of surprises had been arranged for her including dinner at the chef's table at Gordon Ramsey's Lucky Cat and a theatre trip to see Dirty Dancing.


Real Weddings: Mountain High

Mountain High

Megan told the story of how she met James best in her wedding speech: "We didn't romantically bump into each other in our favourite coffee shop, instead we met on the well-known dating site, Hinge. When I came across James, I couldn't believe my eyes. The first photo showed him in an open water wetsuit, the next he was on a road bike, the next on skis... I thought 'wow'! He looks like the fun, outdoorsy guy I'm after! It turns out he posted six photos from a single triathlon that his brother forced him to do three years prior and he rather prefers lying horizontally on the sofa drinking beer and binge watching The Office. I'd been catfished!" All jokes aside, the two hit it off from their first date, when they discovered plenty of similar interests and aspirations for their future. They both love travelling, trying new food and spending time with friends and family.


Real Weddings: Falling In Love

Falling In Love

Laura and Joe met at a nightclub while at University in Southampton. At the time Laura's best friend was dating Joe's best friend. She set the two up, and the rest, as they say, is history!


Real Weddings: Apple Of My Eye

Apple Of My Eye

Elsie and Lily met at a mutual friend's birthday party. "At the time, Lily was uncertain of her sexuality," Elsie explains, "But I knew the minute I saw her that I was going to fall in love with this girl! I chased her around the party, both young and nervous. She got her dad to pick her up immediately!" After frightening Lily off, the two spent several years being friends with Lily trying everything to avoid falling in love with Elsie. However, one lockdown later Lily fi nally bit the bullet and kissed Elsie one evening. From there, their relationship blossomed. "We're defi nitely the defi nition of opposites attract," Elsie continues. "Lily is quiet and I'm wild and loud, but our two personalities just melt together perfectly. Where one falls, the other lifts us up. Although, we'll never agree on who's funnier!"


Real Weddings: A Dream Of A Day

A Dream Of A Day

Emily and Chris met during their university years in Plymouth. They were introduced by a mutual friend, and that's where their story began. "Aside from her obvious good looks, within only a few minutes of speaking, I knew there was something more between us," Chris shares. The two enjoyed an evening of chatting over drinks and haven't stopped enjoying each other's company since. "Emily is known for finding the best deals out there, but I think I won when it came to finding her that day," Chris continues. "At full price and worth every penny, she is my world! We've shared more than a decade of memories and milestones including graduations, landing our first professional jobs, buying our first home together, and travelling the world side by side. None of which would have been possible without our attentiveness to one another and the love we share."


Real Weddings: Blue and Green Should Always Be Seen

Blue and Green Should Always Be Seen

When Claire and Jack met through a mutual friend, it wasn't long before he asked for her number. In no time, they were off on their fi rst date to the BFI on London's South Bank. "I loved how many diff erent interests and hobbies Jack has," Claire tells us. "He'd say he loved my sense of humour!"


Real Weddings: Game, Set, Match

Game, Set, Match

Vicki and Steve met on Tinder in 2017, and got together for a first date at Nettle and Rye in Bristol. At the time, Vicki lived in Clevedon, and made a memorable exit when her Uber driver crashed into a bollard while reversing! The two soon went on a second date and before long they'd bonded over a love of food and enjoyed subsequent dates at foodie hotspots including Bravas and Poco Tapas in Bristol and Scoozi's in Clevedon. As Vicki is a vet Steve also impressed her on an early date with a tour of Bristol Zoo complete with a quiz.


Real Weddings: This Is Love

This Is Love

While Pia and Joe were aware of each other at school, nothing happened between them until they were old enough for a bit of Dutch courage, and met up at a pub five year's after leaving. "Although we weren't high school sweethearts, meeting in our early 20s felt like the right time for both of us to have this forever thing going," Pia explains. "It's funny because even when we started dating, Joe said he didn't want anything too serious. Obviously that didn't quite go to plan!"


Real Weddings: You Bowl Me Over

You Bowl Me Over

Ollie was in Chelsea's sister's class at secondary school, and years later an Instagram message brought them back together. When Ollie decided to propose, he chose a very windy spot in Scotland while the two were away on holiday. Although they didn't realise at the time of booking, their wedding date fell on that same day two years later.


Real Weddings: We Did It Our Way

We Did It Our Way

Nic and Phil matched on Tinder, neither truly believing they'd meet anyone this way, let alone it leading to marriage! "Having both been married previously, we'd resigned ourselves to the single life," Nic says. Their fi rst date was a Sunday lunch at The New Mill in Taunton, and Phil was the perfect gentlemen we're told. "The time fl ew by," Nic continues. "There was an instant connection, easy conversation, lots of laughter and a common passion for music and gigs."


Real Weddings: Bee Mine

Bee Mine

Fiona and Adam met during university fresher's week. "I was attracted by his amazing dance moves – who am I kidding?" Fiona jokes. The two spent a lot of time together in halls and in between lectures, and soon fell in love.


Real Weddings: Oh-so romantic

Oh-so romantic

Georgie and Matt were introduced to each other by a mutual friend who'd been trying to get them together for a while! The matchmaking was a resounding success and Matt proposed to Georgie while on a dog walk one Christmas Day.


Real Weddings: That's All Folkes!

That's All Folkes!

Harriet met Sam at the hairdressers where she worked as a Saturday assistant. "I tried to give him by number but then his mum walked in to pay for the haircut!" Harriet remembers. She was 16 and he was 15 at the time. Their paths didn't cross again until almost a decade later when Harriet was living in London after studying journalism at Kingston University. Sam had just moved there himself after studying at Manchester University. So, she dropped him a message on Facebook, they met for a drink and love blossomed from there.


Real Weddings: Falling In Love

Falling In Love

Beth and Chris met online and when they got together for a first date #IRL shortly afterwards at a local restaurant they immediately hit it off. "There were no awkward silences and we chatted for a couple of hours as though we'd known each other for years," Beth remembers. So, two weeks and five dates later, they made it official!


Real Weddings: Baby,You're A Firework

Baby,You're A Firework

Nicola and Andrew originally met in college, but went their separate ways after graduation. The two became friends again in 2001 and by 2012 their relationship had blossomed into something much more. Andrew popped the question at the couple's home over a Bonfire Night weekend. Having tried on numerous occasions to find the right time on 5th November, it eventually happened after cooking dinner for the two of them on the 6th!


Real Weddings: With Love From Somerset

With Love From Somerset

Rosie and Jordi met through mutual friends at Glastonbury Festival back in 2013, and their wedding day took place 10 years later to the day, which couldn't have been more poignant for them. During a tense time for the country, in December 2021, while we were in lockdown but permitted a day to mix with one other household, Jordi proposed in front of Rosie's family at her home. "Safe to say, everyone needed a reason to celebrate at that time and we definitely did that," Rosie says.


Real Weddings: One Day...

One Day...

Chloe and Matt met at a mutual friend's birthday party when they were 18. There was an initial attraction but they didn't exchange numbers until the following year after bumping into each other again at a club in Bristol. After some texting back and forth they went on their first date and the rest is history.


Real Weddings: Soulmates


Emilene and Mark met at a local football presentation evening, and soon found themselves chatting away. At the time they were both in relationships with their own families, and at the end of the night went their separate ways not knowing what the future would hold. Five years later, and now free agents, their paths crossed again. Mark messaged Emilene asking to meet up. He says, "From then on, I was hooked. There's not one day we don't laugh or be silly together. She's my best friend and a wonderful mother to our four beautiful children." Emilene tells us, "It was an easy, 'Yes,' to meet up. In fact, the more we met up the more I knew for sure he was the one. He makes me laugh every day and it doesn't matter what life throws at us as he's my Brightside."


Real Weddings: You're Timeless to me

You're Timeless to me

Emily met Joe at a gin bar while she was in her final year of college. There was an instant attraction from both sides. Joe credits the cobbled streets of Bath, at least in part, for the success of their first date. When walking Emily to the bus stop she was wobbling around on them in her high heels and he was able to offer his arm to assist her – "And that was really where our love story began," Emily says.


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