Apple Of My Eye
Elsie and Lily met at a mutual friend's birthday party. "At the time, Lily was uncertain of her sexuality," Elsie explains, "But I knew the minute I saw her that I was going to fall in love with this girl! I chased her around the party, both young and nervous. She got her dad to pick her up immediately!" After frightening Lily off, the two spent several years being friends with Lily trying everything to avoid falling in love with Elsie. However, one lockdown later Lily fi nally bit the bullet and kissed Elsie one evening. From there, their relationship blossomed. "We're defi nitely the defi nition of opposites attract," Elsie continues. "Lily is quiet and I'm wild and loud, but our two personalities just melt together perfectly. Where one falls, the other lifts us up. Although, we'll never agree on who's funnier!"